WSA Spring Fling Committee
You guessed it, the Spring Fling Committee is responsible for organizing the annual Spring Fling! They are a group of students responsible for everything from acquiring the required equipment to selecting the acts who will perform at each year’s concert! To learn more, please contact the Committee’s chair, Phoebe Vlahoplus, at
Concert Committee
Concert Committee is responsible for funding most of the concerts which occur on campus throughout each academic year! Students who want to invite an artist to perform at Wes can apply to the Committee for funds to cover artists’ performance fees and help students contribute to the music scene on campus! To learn more, please contact the Committee’s chair, Shakaa Chaiban, at
Senior Class Officers
The Senior Class Officers are a small group of senior students who are responsible for organizing annual events for the senior class, with the most important of those events being senior week! To learn more, please contact the Senior Class President, Sophie Chang, at
Committee for Investor Responsibility
The Committee for Investor Responsibility is tasked with advising the University’s Board of Trustees on their decisions related to the University’s endowment, specifically considering the ethical responsibility of the Board’s investments. To learn more, please visit the CIR’s website.